It's January 3rd 2005. Ron is really gone and I'm finally accepting it in my heart. I still find it hard to hate him for how badly he treated me. I'm more in shock that he could do it at all. Anyways in honor of the poor bastards I dated this past year while I was still the wwalking wounded and so I can remember is the list.
Bobby G
Mike B
Mike M
John L
Mike C
There were others but they didn't turn into anything or were a single date like Barry, Mikey B and Joe D. Of the above I am still talking to all of them. John may change that. I get the feeling he just moves on. I will never know why he really broke it off. But if it was because I didn't call him that snowstorm day then his ex wives must be friggen saint to not have done anything even so minor for so many years.
Summer Gale's Blog
My thoughts of the Moment